Launch & Scale Your Online Business With The New

A.I. Powered All-In-One Online Business Platform

Stop struggling with tech and launch faster than ever with AI.

Use our Simple 4-Step Process To Launch Your Freedom Business

Step 1

Create Your Offer

Whether you want to sell a course, digital products, communities, or offer services, we've got your back!

Using our pre-made templates and no-code design, you'll be able to follow the simple step by step process to craft a gorgeous offer that your customers will love!

We are also fully AI-enabled, so you can generate your ideas, content, copy, and images directly from the platform!

Step 2

Build Your Selling System

No Coding Required 🎉

Import one of our 1,000+ website & funnel templates, and use our AI content generator to help you create award winning headlines, sales pages, email broadcasts, and images in minutes, not months!

And whether you want to use email, SMS, or phone calling to convert your clients - we fully support you!

Step 3

Drive Traffic

Whether you want to blog, use social media, or even run paid ads - our platform fully supports you!

Our platform lets you create unlimited blogs powered by ChatGPT technology, as well as integrates ALL your social media accounts in one place.

And when you're ready to scale with paid traffic, you'll see perfect data right from your own dashboard, so you're always profitable.

Go ahead, close the gazillion tabs you have open. All you need is Freedomkit.

Step 4

Scale Your Income!

Our complete analytics system will show you what's working (and what's not) with your business.

Use our advanced funnel system to add Upsells, Downsells, and Bump offers to increase the value of each customer.

Find the winning sales page with our A/B Split Testing engine.

And rest easy knowing that your business is working for you (even when you sleep!)

Let Automation & AI be your competitive advantage

Whether you want to build a side hustle, or create a 7-figure business, you'll need the right tools for the job

FreedomKit Ai

Gives You Everything You Need To Build, Market, Sell, And Deliver Your Products And Services Online.

Freedomkit Is...

Your Website

Powered by AI and drag & drop simplicity, you can build:

  • Websites

  • Funnels

  • Quizzes & Forms

  • Blogs

  • E-commerce Shops

  • Online Courses

  • Memberships

  • Communities

Without having to write a single line of code.

Freedomkit Is...

Your Email/SMS Marketing

Build the know, like, and trust factor you need with:

  • Unlimited subscribers

  • Powerful follow-up sequences

  • Multi-channel communication: Email, SMS, Phone, WhatsApp, Social Media messaging

  • Provide instant responses to your customers and leads with your own AI Conversational Bot

The money you earn is directly related to the number of people you build trust with.

Freedomkit Is...

Your Online Store

No matter what you want to sell, you can sell it with Freedomkit

  • Printables

  • Ebooks & Digital Downloads

  • Online Courses

  • Private Membership Communities

  • Challenges

  • Services

  • Coaching

  • Consulting

And there are no limits to how many products you create, or sales you make!

Freedomkit Is...

Your Sales Dashboard

Don't let your potential customers slip through the cracks! We've got everything you need to nurture your leads through your customer journey:

  • Automated Sales Pipelines

  • Instant, accurate data

  • A/B Split Testing

  • Track customer progress

  • Track key metrics

Freedomkit Is...

Your Social Planner

Grow your social media presence with ease by:

  • Posting to all your accounts from a single dashboard

  • Scheduling posts & monitoring results

  • Getting more 5-star reviews for your business

  • Connecting all your ad accounts for accurate data

Freedomkit Is...

Your Payment Hub

Whether you sell $7 products, or $7,000 services, we've got you covered:

  • E-commerce shop

  • One Click Upsells

  • Client Invoicing

  • Tap-To-Pay

  • Subscriptions

  • Credit Card & PayPal Supported

  • Apple Pay and Google Pay

Create Your Freedom with Freedomkit

One Software To Rule Them All 💍

Cancel your other bills. We're all you need for:

Sales Funnels

Turn your browsers into buyers on autopilot.

AI Generator

Write emails, headlines, blog posts, and more with AI


Build a website you can be proud of

Email Marketing

Build your list and promote your products & services

SMS Marketing

Get 80%+ open rates with your messages through texting


Generate sales daily using with smart automations

Appointment Booking

Work when you want to, and preserve your family time

Online Courses

Create & sell unlimited online courses and membership sites

Video Hosting

Unlimited space to host and deliver your valuable content


Create pipelines to manage your customer journeys

Data Analytics

Keep your finger on the pulse of your business

Payment Processing

Accept credit cards, PayPal, and mobile payments securely

Mobile App

Take your business on the go and close leads with integrated conversations

Private Communities

Create a beautiful "members-only" community

Phone Calls

Dial directly from the app or outsource your customer support!

Affiliate Platform

Create an army of affiliates to sell your products for you!

That's a lot isn't it?

Let me break the entire platform down in a short on-demand demo.

Is Complicated?

While everything has a learning curve, we've given you EVERYTHING you need to succeed:

Easy to follow documentation

Everything in the platform explained for non-techies

Our extensive library of over 400 articles & videos are ready for you to learn everything from "how to add a button" to "how to connect your domain" - and everything in between.

Easy to follow Courses

Combine tech and strategy with our easy to follow courses

Want to dive deeper and learn how to build a 6-7 figure passive income business? Our Freedom By Number courses work perfectly with Freedomkit!

Creating Family-Focused Entrepreneurs

👋 Hi there, we're John & Suzi Whitford, and over the last 9+ years we've helped over 200,000 students build profitable online businesses.

And we learned that the #1 thing that held our students back was how complicated and expensive all the tech can get!

That's why we created, so you can simplify your business, save on your monthly bill, and grow your profitable business today!

Successful Freedom Builders


“My launch went WAY better than I anticipated! I made almost $13,000 in just over 24 hours. Like I seriously cannot even believe that!!!”



I have made close to $1000 on my Printables! This is so exciting because they are all very low priced.”



“I launched my online course teaching the Finnish Language to a small list of 2,000 people, and made over $7,000 in 5 days! I'm so thrilled!”
